Public Access at Warner Mountain Obsidian Areas to Continue

Obsidian (Thomas Shahan, Flickr)

Obsidian (Thomas Shahan, Flickr)

US Forest Service.png

UPDATE (May 1, 2018)

Obsidian collection season postponed

ALTURAS, Calif.— The May 1 opening of the 2018 Warner Mountains obsidian collection season is postponed due to weather and road conditions. All obsidian collections, including personal and commercial, remain closed at this time.

The new opening date has not yet been selected and will depend on precipitation in the coming weeks. A press release will be issued when the new opening date is selected.

Press Release from the Modoc National Forrest. 

ALTURAS, Calif.—The four obsidian collection areas on the Modoc National Forest in the Warner Mountains near Davis Creek, California will again be open and available to public recreational collection and limited commercial mining during the 2018 season.

Along with information about the collection areas, personal use, commercial applications and heritage resource protection, the 2015 Obsidian Management Plan for the Modoc National Forest Obsidian Management Policy is available on the web at

The four collection areas are managed as community pits under minerals regulations requiring land managers to make mineral materials available where reasonable protection of other resources can be assured.

Offering public access to collect this widely coveted obsidian in these four specific areas allows for the preservation of other obsidian sources on the Modoc National Forest that retain sufficient archaeological integrity to qualify for nomination to the National Register of Historic Places. All other obsidian sources on the forest are protected by law as heritage resources and closed to obsidian collection.

"We will continue to manage well-regulated and orderly commercial mining opportunities that do not have undue negative impacts," said District Ranger Greg Moon. "However, we must also protect heritage resources and provide the safest possible access for traditional cultural practitioners and recreationists."

Obsidian collection is scheduled to open for the 2018 season on May 1 as weather and road conditions allow. A kickoff meeting will be held at the Modoc National Forest Supervisors Office–225 W. Eighth St. Alturas, California–at 9 a.m. on Tuesday, May 1 for commercial miners interested in 2018 permits. If weather and road conditions allow, miners and Forest Service personnel will conduct a field trip after the office meeting for field review and approval of commercial operating plans.

Press release provided from the Modoc National Forest.