Local victims heard in NCIS sex abuse case

The following is a press release from the office of the Klamath County District Attorney.

KLAMATH FALLS, Ore. - On February 24, 2022, the Honorable Judge Marci Adkisson sentenced Kenneth Charles Juttner to 350-months in the care, custody and control of the Oregon Department of Corrections (DOC), based on his pleas of guilty to four counts of Sex Abuse in the First Degree.

In 2020, Juttner was being investigated by Naval Criminal Investigation Services (NCIS) in Seattle, on an unrelated case involving juveniles. During this investigation, Juttner disclosed his abuse of several victims in Klamath County. Juttner consented to an interview with NCIS investigators and disclosed that he had sexually abused at least five (5) different children between March 2007 and January 2011. 

The children ranged in age from 3 through 9 years during the time of their abuse.

Sergeant Kaber, of the Klamath County Sheriff’s Office, conducted the local investigation and was able to confirm the identities of the victims in Klamath County. During the sergeant’s subsequent investigation three victims were willing to proceed with prosecution. While none of them had previously disclosed their abuse, they all indicated they had struggled emotionally and psychologically throughout their lives and continue dealing with the trauma.

Juttner was charged in Klamath County with one count of Sodomy in the First Degree and four counts of Sex Abuse in the First Degree, based on his admissions and the statements of three separate victims.  Judge Adkisson acknowledged the victims for their strength in their willingness to come forward and hold Juttner accountable for his actions. 

The victims in this matter were courageous. The trauma remains their struggle.  We hope the conclusion of the criminal matter provides a degree of closure.