Letter to the Editor: Museum Supporters PAC respond to Reschke

Letter to the Editor by, Klamath County Museum Supporters PAC

Rep. E. Werner Reschke has come out against the proposed tax levy for the Klamath County Museum, which includes a small increase to fund museum operations.

We generally appreciate Rep. Reschke’s frugality when it comes to tax revenues. But his crusade to tighten the belt of local government by urging a “no” vote on the Klamath County Museum levy is misguided, and reveals his lack of knowledge about both museum programs and the county’s general fund.

Our local museum has come a long way in recent years, despite being cut off from the general fund in 2010. The small levy first approved in 2011, and renewed by wide voter approval twice since then, has helped the museum update its exhibits and develop more outreach to the community, including occasional free-admission days.

But behind the scenes, there are building maintenance issues and collection management needs that are not being adequately addressed sufficiently to help the museum survive over the long term. That’s the reason for the proposed higher levy amount which, at 10 cents per $1,000 of property value, is still a modest amount, and a great investment in the preservation of local history and the many important services and free programs that the museum provides. The total museum tax on a $150,000 home is only $15.00.

Considering the pressing needs of funding for law enforcement, there’s little likelihood that museum operations can be re-absorbed into the general fund, as Rep. Reschke has suggested.

We hope voters will follow the recommendation of both the Republican and Democratic central committees for Klamath County, as well as former state Sen. Steve Harper, and vote “yes” on the museum levy.

Please visit the Klamath County Museum Supporters PAC Facebook page for more perspectives on this ballot measure. 


Klamath County Museum Supporters PAC
Eric Nelson, Chair
Janet Collier Larson, Vice Chair
William Ganong
Beatrice Naylor
Kerry Smith
Greg Williams

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