Klamath County SAR - Missing Hikers Located

On 09-15-18, two hikers, Katherine Murphey and George Meyer, left earlier in the day for a hike near Aspen Butte in Klamath County, OR.  The two had previously notified a friend that they planned a day hike in the area based on an article written by the Herald and News a few days prior.

 When the two did not return phone calls, their friends drove to Aspen Butte and located their vehicle but the two hikers were not found and were not answering their phones.  Klamath County Sheriff’s Office-Search and Rescue (SAR) was notified at about 8:30pm and sent a ground search team to the area to try and locate the pair. 

 At about 1:00am on the 16th, SAR was able to make contact with the missing hikers using the PA system on a patrol vehicle.  Within the hour, the two hikers were located about a third of a mile from U.S. Forest Service road 3828. They had a small warming fire going and were in good spirits. Both hikers were able to walk out of the woods under their own power with the assistance of the two SAR members who located them. This particular hike was not marked and the hikers said they simply over shot the road where they parked their car and did not have GPS devices to find their way out of the woods after dark. 

 Klamath County Search and Rescue would like to remind everyone that if you plan to go into the woods for any reason, make sure that you pack appropriate clothing and let someone know where you are planning to go and when you plan to return.  The rescue of these two hikers was made possible because they planned appropriately and notified their friends where they were going. 

Press release provided from the Klamath County Sheriffs Department.

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