KCSD Facility Improvement Summer Projects Start Across the District

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As soon as school is out for the summer, it’s time for the Klamath County School District to get to work on large improvement projects for KCSD buildings. This summer the district has construction projects at 10 of its schools throughout the district.

“We have a lot of jobs this summer. It’s probably our busiest summer since I’ve been on board,” said Justin Azevedo, district maintenance manager. “And you only have two months to get it all done. It’s definitely a lot of work to do in a short period of time.”

Some of the largest projects are happening at Peterson Elementary, Henley Middle School and Merrill Elementary.

By fall, Peterson Elementary will have six new classrooms and two new restrooms. The new permanent structures are replacing aging modular buildings. They are part of a multi-school project replacing modulars at Peterson, Henley Middle School and Stearns Elementary
over a three-year period.

The total cost, including demolishing the old modulars, constructing the new buildings, new furniture at all three schools, adds up to about $4.1 million. The school board approved a 20-year debt issuance back in December 2016.

The district started building the new classrooms at Peterson last fall. This summer KCSD maintenance workers are finishing up, including moving in new furniture into the 980-square-foot classrooms in July. The new classrooms will house fifth and sixth grade at the district’s largest elementary school.

Azevedo said the district will not tear down the modular buildings until students start class in the new classrooms.

Once the classrooms are finished at Peterson, work will begin on the new classrooms at Henley Middle School this fall (aiming to be finished by fall 2019) and Stearns Elementary the following year.

This summer workers begin on the first phase of seismic retrofit projects at Henley Middle School.

The Klamath County School District received more than $3.5 million in Oregon Seismic Rehabilitation Grants in 2017. Two were for Henley Middle School: $580,910 for the cafeteria and $1.49 million for the school. Last week workers started on the cafeteria portion of the work.

The district also received a seismic rehabilitation grant for Merrill Elementary for $1.49 million. That project will happen next summer.

These projects make schools safer in case of an earthquake – ensuring students can safely exit the building if disaster strikes.
Workers should finish the Henley Middle School cafeteria work by the time school starts on Sept. 4.

At Merrill Elementary the district is installing a new boiler and HVAC system. The district is using the remaining funds from the 2013 voter-approved bond for this project.

Bond funds are also funding new lighting at Mazama High School and new heating controls at Shasta Elementary.

Other summer projects include: A new reader board for Keno Elementary and an upgrade to the power system, remodel agriculture classrooms at Bonanza and Henley high schools, replacing concrete at Brixner Junior High and remodeling the office at Ferguson Elementary.

Press release and photography provided from the Samantha Tipler, Public Relations, Klamath County School District.