Commentary: Vision for a Brighter Future

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Commentary by, Faith Leith

My name is Faith Leith and I am in the race for House District 56 (Klamath Falls, Lakeview, Malin, Merrill, and Bonanza).  I was asked to answer three questions: Who I am?  Why I decided to run against Rep. E. Werner Reschke?  And why you should vote for me?  

As graduate of UCLA with a degree in Political Science, working on campaigns to improve the lives of others has been a top priority in my life.  My career was in journalism where I learned to look at both sides of an issue. I’ve been involved in politics for 45 years. I’ve worked hard to elect representatives and pass ballot measures I believe in. I was a staff member of the House of Representatives Rules Committee in Washington, D.C.  

My husband of nearly 50 years and I moved to the Klamath Basin when we retired.  I have embraced the Basin lifestyle and have joined many groups in the area.  I was on the stage at the Ross Ragland in March to celebrate the 100-year anniversary of the League of Women Voters.  I registered folks for three days at the Winter Wings event this year sponsored by the Audubon Society.

From my political studies I learned that our Founding Fathers set up a system of representative government where the majority rules and minority rights are preserved. Republican lawmakers have recently made a habit of leaving the state to subvert the democratic process. Running away to get your way is a cowardly act which tears at the fabric of democracy.  I was appalled by this action and decided it’s time to step in front of the camera, so to speak.

I am a moderate and know solutions to problems facing our district can come from anyone – a Democrat, Republican, Independent, the waitress in the diner, a road worker, a teacher – anyone.  I would hold town halls, something missing in the district lately, and I would listen to constituents with ideas that will take us all into the 21st century.

As a moderate I believe in science, decency, small businesses, peaceful assemblies, honest and honorable police, and free public schools, as a start.

My opponent has a different list of values.  

Sense I am pro-science, climate change is one of my top priorities.  Drought conditions are becoming more prevalent.  We need to switch to crops that use less water.  We need to sit everyone at the table (tribes, farmers, city and county officials, state representatives, water associations, etc.) to work out fair plans to deal with these issues.

Wildfires are part of life in the basin, a necessary part of the natural cycle. Therefore, we must prepare for the inevitable through the use of building codes, selective clearing, etc.

Healthcare is another priority.  I believe it is a right not a privilege for those who can afford it.  We should join other industrialized countries and most of the third world and ensure affordable healthcare for everyone.  Medicare Part E for Everyone.  It’s just the right thing to do.

This is the 21st century and we must stop looking to the past and making excuses for continuing to cling to jobs that are no longer necessary.  Training for the jobs of the future in energy or technology or healthcare must be a priority if we are to maintain any kind of a quality of life for Basin residents.

High-paying jobs in sustainable energy is on the horizon and Klamath and Lake counties should take advantage of these opportunities.

I don’t believe in conspiracy theories with no basis in fact.  With the changing climate we don’t have time to play games.  It is imperative that we prepare now for future droughts, wildfires, and other natural challenges, The district was struggling before the virus hit.  This is the time to look to the future and change the way we do things.  Everything is in flux for the next year or so.  Let’s take advantage of it and make some changes instead of making excuses for clinging to the past.  

We need someone in Salem who can bring much needed solutions to our Basin.  The current representative, E. Werner Reschke, leaves the state in frustration as he is unwilling to work with the majority to get things done.

When this happens the constituents of House District 56 do not have representation in Salem.  We need someone willing to stay in town and do the hard work to confront public health issues, climate change, and the economy of the 21st century.  

For a forward-looking representative with a vision for the future visit my website,  

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