Bringing the pumpkin patch to school

Local stores, booster club donate pumpkins for Shasta kindergartners

Kindergarteners Harper Smith, Wyatt Tracy, and Wayburn Heavener find and gather pumpkins during Shasta Elementary School’s pumpkin hunt

Kindergarteners Harper Smith, Wyatt Tracy, and Wayburn Heavener find and gather pumpkins during Shasta Elementary School’s pumpkin hunt

Shasta Elementary School kindergartener Daniel Lopez Flores chooses his pumpkin.

Shasta Elementary School kindergartener Daniel Lopez Flores chooses his pumpkin.

In past years, kindergarteners at Shasta Elementary School visited a local pumpkin patch in October. This year, with COVID-19, that wasn’t possible.

But thanks to pumpkin donations from the Shasta Booster Club, Albertson’s, and Holiday Market, kindergarteners were still able to hunt for a future jack-o'-lantern.

“We decided to bring the pumpkin patch to Shasta,” said Principal Randy Rose as he looked around the front lawn. The traditional Halloween globes were hidden – tucked under benches, in flowerbeds, and even in a crook of a tree.

Rose, after spinning a story about his phone call to The Great Pumpkin, unleashed the kindergarteners to find and collect the small, orange gourds. Students then picked their favorite to take home with them.

In all, 130 pumpkins were donated to the school. Of those, 80 were for the school’s two cohorts of kindergarteners and the rest were for students in special programs.