Greg Walden slams Democrat plan to allow government takeover of the internet [VIDEO]

Greg Walden slams Democrat plan to allow government takeover of the internet [VIDEO]

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Representative Greg Walden (R-Hood River) is continuing to call for net neutrality solutions that preserve a free and open internet for consumers without allowing a federal government takeover of the internet, as Congressional Democrats are proposing. Speaking in opposition to a Democrat plan to give the federal government near unlimited authority to regulate, tax, and control the internet, Walden said that the bill was a missed opportunity to bring real, bipartisan net neutrality protections to consumers.

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Oregon House Votes to Protect Net Neutrality

Oregon House Votes to Protect Net Neutrality

With the Trump Administration set to rollback essential net neutrality protections, the Oregon House of Representatives today passed House Bill 4155, using the state’s purchasing power to protect a free and open internet for Oregon consumers.

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